She is Perfection | Teen Ink

She is Perfection

June 17, 2014
By Oshea&#39a Quarles BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
Oshea&#39a Quarles BRONZE, Spring Valley, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could be anyone in the world. I would be her. She has intelligence, beauty, brawn, and talent. I've never met such a perfect person in my life. Others may fail to notice all her perfections, but they glisten in my eyes. A great person to be around who doesn't give a care in the world. Who will wear sweats any day and still look gorgeous. Barely wear any makeup and still look beautiful. Who was blessed with an amazing dancing ability. The Beyonce of my school in my opinion. Feminine perfection is what I call it. Everyone else calls her Corinne.

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