Blurred Skies | Teen Ink

Blurred Skies

June 22, 2014
By Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are the change you wish to see in the world.

The stars don't seem so bright tonight
In fact they seem a little lost
Wondering what and who we are
Collections in this world of ours
The skies don't seem so crystal clear
In fact I'm wondering if they ever were
Were we an illusion my dear
Did I see something fake in the puddles that were forming in the spaces of my heart?
The world don't seem so harmonious
In fact it seems a little jarred
What you seemed and what you are
Did I mistake love from afar?
The rainbows don't seem endlessly long
In fact I don't think they ever were
Maybe what I saw instead
Was just invented in my head

The author's comments:
Sometimes falling in love can be a complicated thing...Does the person feel the same way, or are you reading into everything too much? This poem describes this struggle.

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