Cutter | Teen Ink


June 21, 2014
By Anonymous

Push the darkness down
Though it will always be there
Waiting for the moment you're weak
Pulling out your deepest fears
Reopening your worst scars
Reliving your scariest nightmares
Whispering in your ear
The knife is right there
In the drawer, waiting
Pick it up
How long has it been?
Since you last drug it across your skin
Watching for the drops of blood
Dark red against your snow white skin
Fulfill the temptations
Take your revenge
Melt away the sadness
The blade is your friend
Don't you miss it?
As I scream
Tears fall down my face
I can't undo the marks made
Lines on my wrist
I can't forget
They help me remember
My cries for help
Today it was worse
The whispers pushed me too far
I'm not insane
I'm not a freak
It's temptation
That got me here
Lying on the hospital bed
Too deep
Too far
Too much blood
I swear, never again
But the darkness is here
It will always be here
It never leaves

The author's comments:
This poem isn't specifically about me.

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This article has 6 comments.

on Jun. 26 2014 at 10:41 am
Ashers101 DIAMOND, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't want to be like everyone else, I want to be me. I won't walk with all of you on the ground because I can fly. -My own quote

Thank you. I was honestly really worried about posting this at first. Luckily, I only had second thoughts after I posted it so I didn't have a choice but to let it be published. I was just worried about how it would be received. I was worried it might be offensive. When I saw that I had comments I was really worried they wouldn't be this nice but actually be critical. I'm glad I posted it because I can see now that it can help people.

on Jun. 26 2014 at 10:36 am
Ashers101 DIAMOND, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't want to be like everyone else, I want to be me. I won't walk with all of you on the ground because I can fly. -My own quote

Thank you . Poetry is usually a good way for me to just dump all my emotions from a day into something more productive. If I'm having a bad day, I'll just write about it and I'll feel better. It's also a good way to sort out your feelings because usually when you write something it's straight from your heart and you can really find out how you feel, It just comes out more honest on paper than if you think to yourself instead.

on Jun. 26 2014 at 10:34 am
Ashers101 DIAMOND, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't want to be like everyone else, I want to be me. I won't walk with all of you on the ground because I can fly. -My own quote

Thank you so much :) It makes me really happy that people can get something out of what I write

on Jun. 26 2014 at 1:46 am
xBaByGiRrL22x PLATINUM, Pearl River, New York
22 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The goal isn't to live forever, but create something that will."
"If you wanna go, baby let's go; if you wanna rock, I'm ready to roll.''
"No one ever said it'd be easy. They just said it'd be worth it." <3

This is really really good. It's moving because it is so relatable for so many people. I'm glad that people have the strength and courage to write about topics such as self-harm and suicide because they are both very important in today's society. I love this piece. Please keep writing.

MyaMae BRONZE said...
on Jun. 25 2014 at 7:04 pm
MyaMae BRONZE, Little Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I must say.. It's amazing. I'm recovering myself, not something I'm proud of. I write about these things all the time; however, i never have enough guts to show them to anyone. I guess im just afraid of rejection, but this; this poem, it's amazing and i love it. Some people write in journals and some write poetry. Poetry is what helped me stop, and it continues to drive me everyday. 

on Jun. 25 2014 at 6:40 pm
TevyRae PLATINUM, Pittsfield, Pennsylvania
24 articles 7 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Here is a small fact: You are going to die." ~The Book Thief
"You have no stupidity inside of your adorable little self." ~Mikey Pasterik

   When others write about something that i personally relate to i usually just say "it's lovely" or "i really like it".  However, in this case i'll go and say it completely honestly.  I'm a recovering cutter, and this poem encourages me that I'm not alone. I appreciate the fact that you came out and were bold enough to write something so beautiful, and even though it may have not been spesifically about you (perhaps maybe a close friend?), you do know enough about this subject to write about this in such detail, so you've obviously been though something deep and hard to mannage.    i thank you for writing this, and i praise you for it's beauty. it helps me to know i'm not alone, and that i'm not the only one who has been through things such as this.    it takes a lot for me to post this, but i feel i must. for all you self harmers out there: you must not be ashamed of yourself. you are not alone.      thank you so much for writing this poem and for having the courage to post it here on teen ink. it means so much to me. thank you.