Equality , please . | Teen Ink

Equality , please .

July 19, 2014
By Joya Newman SILVER, North Little Rock, Arkansas
Joya Newman SILVER, North Little Rock, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

To the white people ,
were all the same kind .
We all look alike ,
we all have the same mind .
Our dignity is something that we need to find ,
It seems like we lost it , somewhere back in time .
Light skins , dark skins and brown skins too ,
We're stereotyping our own people ,
Look at what we've been through ,
Slavery , murder , drugs , segregation
At the end of day were still all black to the nation .
We're blaming our issues on the white men ,
Don't even sit there and try to pretend .
At least they can have a civil conversation ,
Without getting into it with their bestfriends .
We're being ignorant , arrogant , people
Sometimes I don't get it , sometimes it's unbelievable .
Who woulda thought that Dr . Martin Luther kings dream would backfire on its own people ..
Light skins , dark skins and brown skins too ,
We're starting to hate each other so much , we can't even sit in the same room ..
I've never seen somebody hate their own brother ,
Let alone somebody their own classified color .
It shouldn't be a different skin tone ,
I mean we're all the same to them .
Underneath the skin and bones we all have a heart within
It's up to us to find out who we'll be so the next generation ,
Won't have to see what we see .
The hate , the rap , the bodies & headstones
It's not even worth it , think about all our ancestors wombs ..
They didn't see no skin tone ,
When they were helping out their neighbor ,
Putting salt on their cuts and taking over their labor .
I am black , beautiful at that ,
It's time for us too all join together and make this a wrap .
I'm not here to preach but I am here to tell you ,
that Light skins , dark skins , and brown skins too
Are all the same people , just historically improved .

The author's comments:
Well here lately there's been a lot of social media controversy between black people of different skin tones such as Light skin , Dark skin or Brown skin and basically black people are stereotyping each other through skin tones . Like if you're light skin you're considered to be stuck up , rude or conceited , if your Dark skin you're considered to be Mean or ugly , and if you're brown skin you're considered to be a nobody , or you're able too choose between being light or dark . But what I wanted to get out in this poem was that we are all the same people , that we should not be hating each other over such petty circumstances , that we need to love one another , that we are all beautiful people inside and out , but I hope you all enjoy , because I put a lot of thought into my words .

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