The day you left | Teen Ink

The day you left

August 19, 2014
By JacobSantana BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
JacobSantana BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You started innocent, then you took a turn for the worse.
A downward spiral into a deep depression. Instead of letting me help you, you left.
Causing more pain to me then you.
You left me by myself in the time I needed you the most.
It's like you stabbed me in the chest, and got through to my heart.
this started your deceitful dissection.
You cut my heart into pieces and took the biggest piece.
Now I'm described as cold hearted or heartless, even emotionless.
YOU took this away from me.
You took what made me... me .
Only before you, people knew the real me.
Now that your gone I'm a cuss spewing monster that doesn't care for others peoples feelings or thoughts.
In the end you took what made me weak.
I want to curse you, but I can't.
I can only thank you for taking the thing that blended me in with the rest of the world.
Thank you, thank you fo leaving.

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