Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2014
By austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the wrestling mat,
from Nike shoes and a Kliff Keen headgear.
I am from the sweaty clothes filling the laundry room, and the kitchen full of food we can’t eat.
I am from the cauliflower ear, a symbol of who I am and what I do, my badge of honor.

I am from a family of 6 boys and one common interest,
From Dawn and Shawn.
I am from State titles and All-American honors.
From National Teams and big moments.

I am from Arrowhead High School. Where sports are a lifestyle.
I am from Hartland, Wisconsin.
from hard work, and “nothing good will come easy”.
I am from a dirty pair of Wrangler jeans, an old ball cap, and a fishing pole.

I am from tradition.
From an apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree, a well worn path through the Wisconsin wrestling landscape.
I am from high expectations, the pressure to succeed, and the fear of letting down your peers.
From the Yde family.

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