Remember | Teen Ink


September 13, 2014
By seeitinmyeyes BRONZE, Hemet, California
seeitinmyeyes BRONZE, Hemet, California
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Treat your life like you are truly an hourglass and you dont know when the last grain of sand will fall through to the bottom.

I remember when we first talked

On that warm summers day,

I remember thinking, 

you were funny, sweet, and nice.

I had told myself not to fall for you

Not to get looped in.

Then i told you 

that we could no longer talk

I hated it; I was crushed

I never wanted to leave you. 

But i knew I had to. 


Then you came back

And I couldnt help myself

I went back to you. 

And now? 

You've left me this time

Without a word of goodbye. 

While I cry on my bathroom floor;


I think that

If you ever were to come back

I would run right back to you

Right back into your arms.

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