Beyond the Studies | Teen Ink

Beyond the Studies

October 5, 2014
By alice.williams GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
alice.williams GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What others may consider a hindrance
Hindrance stemming from tiresome routines
Routines mirroring the rest of our lives
Lives full of potential not yet realized
Realized far too late if not even at all
All that is believed is not as it looks
Looks and word of mouth are strong impressions
Impressions a person should make alone
Alone we are able to find, “Who am I?”
I am not a uniform or a grade
Grade defines where I am not what I know
Know this place is not one of confinement
Confinement implies oppression of voice
Voice is something you will always possess
Possess the strength to open your blind eyes
Eyes that have not acknowledged the truth here
Here you are encouraged to do your best
Best the hardships in your life with high hopes
Hopes that are inspired by compassion
Compassion that is influenced by love
Love that is shared between the people here
Here we teach each other new life lessons
Lessons not only in math and English
English is not comprehended by all
All of us are a part of the same whole

The author's comments:

School is always seen as a place that strips each individual of their uniques by dictating what they wear while an anonymous eye watches each and every move you make, but rarely is school looked as anything more than a prison. Through my own maturing and experiences, I have come to acknowledge how school as helped shape me into the young adult I have become through the encouragement to express myself and excell because I have the potential to do so and more. School is just a frame and it's our attitude that determines what fills it and what the future will hold. School isn't meant to discourage who you are, but rather it's there to help guide you in the right direction of answering that question for yourself.

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