The Listener | Teen Ink

The Listener

October 8, 2014
By Kase GOLD, Hutchinson, Kansas
Kase GOLD, Hutchinson, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a waterfall it keeps on going

The Listener
listening coldly
hearing boldly
it told me
not to tell
if I did he’d crack my bell
oh the horrid smell
of the body
I’ve done something naughty
The godliest of the god please help me before I myself go insane
like my master I won’t tell you
you are god’s bane
I must be slain
I’m dead again
I tint the windows with my blood
my guts are thrown across the table
I’m not able
to tell you when i’m not here
but you must hear to be there

The author's comments:

 I think its pretty good but i'm not sure so I hope u like it

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