A Writer | Teen Ink

A Writer

October 14, 2014
By AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
AmandaPreble GOLD, Chester, Connecticut
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My future is not framed,
but rather, is an open book.
A blank page,
A canvas to be painted.
We spend our lives following a path,
Trampled, used once and forgotten for a while.
By our parents, siblings, friends,
And here I am, looking for the one less traveled.
My future is in construction,
Dependent on the decisions I make every day.
The road ahead may be,
A thicket of woods not yet touched.
Yet here I am,
Ready and able to push my way through.
Attending college, earning a degree,
Having a career to help me along the way.
My future is busy,
Full of hard work, good times, and responsibility.
Since a young age I knew what I wanted to do,
I had a dream since the sixth grade.
I wanted to be a writer,
And a writer I will become.

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