Smile to Grimace | Teen Ink

Smile to Grimace

October 21, 2014
By amaliabaca BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
amaliabaca BRONZE, Minneapolis, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Porcelain glass doll with soft peach lips

Fresh coat of mascara glued to each eyelash

Powder speckled on delicate cold cheeks

Eyes emerald green outlined by black circles

Ringlets of soft shiny hair falling drowsily on the chest

The fake face that appears in front of you is a doll

Beauty merely distracting from the sadness in her eyes

Dark furrowed eyebrows that contain evil sitting on their edge

A smile that at the corner drops into a grimace

Small delicate hands balled into fists

Her fingernails painted a fresh coat of black

The color of death

Her chest breathing heavily releasing the cold breeze from her lips

Each pretty detail painted over the dark core

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