A home | Teen Ink

A home

November 4, 2014
By Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Built with concrete blocks and cement

Which almost seems to be serene

But inside, lay broken souls


Souls of terrified children

Who wish to seek help;

And I wish help would come soon


Sooner than a punch thrown to the head,

Sooner that words pierced throught the heart

And sooner than a helpless child gasping for

his last breath


As he lays lifeless on the cold kitchen floor,

With blood slowly dripping onto the tiles

Nothing won't seem to matter

Because it's just one less life to worry about


And a house isn't considered a home

Until love and peace enter through the door

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because there were so many incidents where parents would abuse/neglect their child(ren) on the island that I live on. 

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