Reality sucks | Teen Ink

Reality sucks

November 12, 2014
By Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Everything just felt so real
I mean for once, watching some romance movie
actually got me thinking
Movies that make you wish your life
was as good as what you've seen
But having to go back to reality once it's over, just hits you
No one could ever have a happy ending even
though tragic accidents occur
It just doesn't seem to work that way
Sometimes I blame life for being so unfair but
then again, maybe my life wasn't directed as
how the movies were made
Maybe happy ending are just fairytales,
Maybe happiness doesn't fall upon the category of my expectations,
Maybe this whole thing was created like a scene.
A scene scripted and published so that
the world could portray how great life is
And when people come to realize the fact that movies
aren't that realistic 
The world starts to crumble ... slowly
Slow like the heart beat of a person
who's battling a fight between life or death
I guess, us humans are supposed to adapt to the consequences right?
Being born into this world,
make a living,
then simply die.
Hard work seems to go to waste
and sacrifices won't even matter in the end
We all end up the same way,
either you're filthy rich or poor
We all get buried six feet under the ground
or left to burn in a furnace
just so our ashes will become the remnants of what we've become...
or of what we actually are

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I've realized that too many people believe in movies. Their expectations have become so vivid and silly that they wish their life was just as good as a 90 minute film. Life isn't based on fairy tales and some folklore, it's based on reality; something that humans need to wake up. I hope that people won't waste their time on trying to makeshift their life into the content of what movies are made of and to just live life. 

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