Marching Band | Teen Ink

Marching Band

October 29, 2014
By Rose16 SILVER, Leroy, Michigan
Rose16 SILVER, Leroy, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dress right.


And snap.


I snap my head

to the right. 

I align my heels as my eyes begin to wander.


I see instruments,

glistening in the hands of their owners

who stand at perfect attention.


We march and I hear them,

the instruments,

flooding me, covering me in music.


I hear the bass drum,

sound as wide as the universe,

dense and solid as a rock.


I hear the trumpets,

resounding across the empty stands,

vanishing into places unknown.


I see the clarinets,

bodies of the deepest black, 

keys glittering as fingers glide across them.


I hear the tuba,

deep and hollow,

yet full and flowing.


Three. Four.


And close.

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