Night Terror | Teen Ink

Night Terror

November 14, 2014
By MYNAMEISTAYLOR SILVER, Highland Heights, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I am God." -Kanye West

Have you ever had a nightmare?

One after another. Never ending.
To infinity and beyond?

Laying down in the black and blue night
Shivering to sleep, the pillow salty?

Violent bruises in your mind,
Dripping into your dreams.
Turning them to horror films.

Flicking back and forth,
From reality to fantasy.
Not wanting to wake.
Not wanting to sleep.

The slow wave of silence
Creeping over your body.

Waiting for you to drift off into the violet slumber, slinking slowly around your flesh.
And then shifting you into a deep dark dungeon filled
With monsters and prejudices and second thoughts and hopelessness.

The hands creeping up your back and tickling your spine?

The long bruised figure in the corner, greasy black hair in the face, watching, waiting.

Not being able to move,
Stuck to the bed like glue,
Wriggling and fighting,
But ultimately trapped,
Shackled to the bed,
Curling of fists,
The river of tears
Streaming down your face,

Waiting for it all to end.

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