He's Gone | Teen Ink

He's Gone

November 18, 2014
By ale_vg17 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
ale_vg17 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Change in voice

Choking on words

watery eyes

Knowing something happened

Hanging up, Shocked

telling me our cousin


He's Gone

the one I have been waiting to see

the one I have not seen in 7 years

the one I grew up with every summer

He cannot be Gone

I have anticipating our reunion

remembering our memories

when night fell and he played in his underwear

or the nights we ran in the strees

days we jumped under the tree

the mornings we ate togther

how I wish to go back

I was told that he

is tall

is smart

now Was

He's Gone

He was not much younger than I

Crazy, Gone at such a young age

I Love you

I Miss you

que descanzas en paz Manuel ( Rest in peace Manuel)

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