Dangerous Beauty | Teen Ink

Dangerous Beauty

November 17, 2014
By Merkayrah BRONZE, Northfield, New Hampshire
Merkayrah BRONZE, Northfield, New Hampshire
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was always worried someone would notice me, and then when no one did, I felt lonely." -Prep

The ocean never sleeps.
Tide rolling in, beckoning for me to come closer
The crashing of the waves echoing in my ears,
Leaving me with nothing but the ring of the conch
White foam glides back into its salty counterpart
Dissipating as if it were never there at all

I often dream of what it would be like to be part of such a system
Being pushed by some imaginary force,
Arching in a magnificent sort of way,
Crashing down again, reuniting with my ocean brethren
All in a dangerous beauty.

To be a part of something as systematic as the roll of a tide,
To be free to flow wherever I'd like
To crash amongst the rocks,
Wash up the treasures the sea holds beneath
For the humans to find under their feet
To hold within so much power and grace

I would be amazing,
Don't you think?
To be apart of something that belongs

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