Fool's world | Teen Ink

Fool's world

December 19, 2014
By nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What’s wrong what’s right?
Is killing another way of might

Can your own reflection be a huge deception?
All those years in blur, guess now there is no redemption

I don’t even recognize my own self
I look forward for the countless bounties and seek only one for help

What unfolded was the truth, felt as if a burden long bored
Days when misery was never the reason and I was close to shore

All were delusions, actually storm had abandoned me deep in the ocean
I wonder where is the little mermaid with the magic potion.

Can I be more to everyone than a selfish jerk?
Or does my dark and tarnished deeds still lurk?

I wish I could change and undo what’s already been done
Guess what seemed easy and safe at the moment wasn’t just as fun

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