Our legacy | Teen Ink

Our legacy

January 9, 2015
By Dalton Frakes BRONZE, Mt.Horeb, Wisconsin
Dalton Frakes BRONZE, Mt.Horeb, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our legacy
Piece by piece,
rock by rock.
Our work
Never seems to stop.

Line by line,
Night by night.
There’s always more to do
Under the moonlight.

Piece by piece,
Rock by rock.
It’s what we make.

the million dollar question
is  what the lines make.

A bird?
     A bug?
I surely wouldn’t know

These lines will kill,
I just know.
With no one left
Their story will be lost.

Piece by piece,
Rock by rock,
All progress,
Slows to a stop.

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