Ode to Netflix | Teen Ink

Ode to Netflix

January 12, 2015
By apuri615 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
apuri615 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

O, Netflix your god like aurora enjoying the tingling sensation
of all eyes in the room focused on you,
while you stare back observing me.
Sitting in front of the high definition screen
displaying you for hours on end,
as you eat my time.
There is an unspoken agreement between you and me
because when my eyes glimpse upon your radiant pulchritudinous
I stare awestruck afraid to blink
in hopes that I won’t miss a second of my binge watching quest.
You are a necessary part of my daily life
a distraction from the imperfections of the world.

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