Unhinged | Teen Ink


January 27, 2015
By fionaflora SILVER, Freeport, Maine
fionaflora SILVER, Freeport, Maine
8 articles 4 photos 0 comments

He follows me in the night and in my dreams
Drives into me a purpose
For which I have no strength.

Washes into my mind
Puzzling and ideas and plans
I cannot bring my lonesome self to carry through.

My heart is sharpened and my consciousness is dulled
By impulses and convincing accusations 
Coming from him who only I can see and hear.

I cling to my reality like a baby robin to its mother
But the wheels of my mind barely turn
I am clouded by his goal, my goal, to achieve earthly revenge.

I feel brutal and rash thoughts swim through my head
His voice telling me how to handle the fate of others
Giving me a power I should not have.

I am decidedly unhinged.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this after reading Hamlet. This poem is partly me in my life experiences and partly me writing as if I am Hamlet

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