Society | Teen Ink


February 12, 2015
By NaTalia_says_hi BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
NaTalia_says_hi BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Get on my level"

No one can please them
They want me to be perfect
Perfect face
Perfect curves
Perfect life
Just when it seems good
It hits me
Like the cold harsh wind on cold days
If I’m skinny, I’m anorexic
If I’m curvy, I’m big
Perfect family
Perfect eyes
Perfect hair
But why can’t society
Accept me for me?
But that’s just how society is
Unfair to everyone
To society no one is perfect
No matter how hard I try
Perfect skin
Perfect grades
Perfect everything
Society is the people
Our peers in our everyday lives
The ones we see on the streets
And see in our dreams
I am society

The author's comments:

I made this based on society

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