Names | Teen Ink


February 19, 2015
By Madison Richter-Egger BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Madison Richter-Egger BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each day has its own name,
So they must all be different.
Each season has its own name.
So they must all be different
Each school has its own name,
So they must all be different
Each year has its own name,
So they must all be different
Each color has its own name,
So they must all be different


But sometimes...
Mondays feel like Tuesdays and Saturday like Sunday.
Sometimes winter acts like spring,
But then you seem up to your nose in snow.
Sometimes purple looks like blue and pink like red.
Some year feel like the last,
And they all just blend together.


If we have each other’s name,
That doesn’t mean we’re the same.

The author's comments:

I was thinking about names, so I wrote about it. 

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