Crushed Betrayal | Teen Ink

Crushed Betrayal

March 12, 2015
By iCloudkiller SILVER, Los Angeles, California
iCloudkiller SILVER, Los Angeles, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Not all that hungers should be fed, and not all thirsts should be quenched.

I still think about you
I still remember what you denied
It doesn't matter anymore, dude
I sigh, and that hurts my pride
I thought I was the predator
I eneded up being the prey
I didn't think it would hurt to soar
And now I have that price to pay
Should've known what you'd do!
Should've known you liked her!
Before I basically gave her to you!
That is what my thoughts spur
I won't say your name
You have too much fame
But I will remember this pain
Which was my loss and your gain
I know you like tears
That's why I don't cry
Feeling are one of my fears
And that adds density to my sigh
This is my last word to you
I wish you the worst, fool
I don't love you
This is my fault too

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