My Galaxy | Teen Ink

My Galaxy

May 20, 2015
By Sara Hormel BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
Sara Hormel BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A shining light in the growing dark.
Dammit that's what you were!
That one little ray of hope
in a world going black
That one thread to pull me out of despair.
For a while, you were the only thing keeping me breathing.
We were the same,
you and I,
Life thriving in pollution,
two trees growing at the heart of a city
Both of us fighting so hard
just to keep our hearts beating.
And when we found each other
I think we could have thrived.
The darkness receded from my vision
And for the first time
In a long, long time
I could see more than shadows
I could see light too.
That one flickering flame blazing into so much more
And suddenly it was just a little easier to breathe
So much easier to take that next step
So much easier to live
Knowing you were here with me.
And then your flame disappeared.
No, not went out,
But moved so far that I could no longer see you.
And I plunged into shadow again.
This time it almost took me.
I could no longer breathe without despair filling my lungs
My heart couldn't beat under the pressure
I felt like I was going to die.
My chest heaved my last breath and l looked up to the sky
where I expected to see nothing
I think I saw light
Just one,
Shining dull and alone,
but still giving me a reason to call this world home
Then slowly others appeared,
slow and quiet with none of your loud brightness
Glowing pinpricks of light shining against the void
The first growing stronger as others appeared
And soon, the sky lit up my whole world.
Sure, the earth was barren,
But at least I could see it again,
those glimmering dots giving me a reason,
A hundred reasons
to keep walking
As I promised to do so long ago.
So I walked
Sometimes there was purpose,
other times none but to watch the stars move with me.
Sometimes those glowing jewels grew brighter,
Other times they dimmed
Sometimes they fell from the sky
Those were the nights I felt the darkness closing in again
And cried until the morning came
But I kept going,
And now I've found someone else
And she's
And for all the hell you put me though
I guess
I should thank you.
Because this time I know that I have to keep my distance
She may be a river in my desert
A breath of fresh air after an eternity trapped underground
But it can't ever be.
Because while darkness and light may be two sides of the same coin
They can never really mix
two fighters that have to battle for every breath
Can never really be together
No matter how perfect it seems.
So I will keep walking
No matter how much it hurts
because if one of us can come out untouched by the pain
I'd rather it be her
I've already survived it once, after all.
So I'll keep walking
Away from your blaring light
Into the dark
Because I'm not alone any more.

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