The Others | Teen Ink

The Others

June 8, 2015
By Puppyluv BRONZE, Glencoe, Illinois
Puppyluv BRONZE, Glencoe, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Albert Einstein

The night had just fallen
In sheets of dark black
The sky slept in silence
The moon a mere crack

Children tucked in safely
In their tangled nest of sheets
The house lights twinkling merrily
Reflecting off the streets

The city surrendered to nighttime
At least, that's how it seems
But when the sky is sheathed in darkness
The Others aren't lost in their dreams

The Others come out together
Rubbing sleep from their body and mind
For their job is one of importance
To pick up all we have left behind

They toil through the wind,
Which thinks it all great fun
Twirling and swirling their life work around
Until the first dull rays of the sun

Morning then saunters along
Bringing sunshine, warmth, and cheer
And the children wake up with a light in their eyes
For a new day is finally here

The Others go home silently
To get a measly, few hours sleep
For their rest depends on the people
Whose empty words they cannot keep

Now the people wake up with delight
And wander about with glee
Not giving a thought to The Others
The strong, silent Others
The determined, fearful Others
Who are EXACTLY like you and like me

The author's comments:

This poem pays homage to the people that work behind the scenes to help keep maintain our cities. Thank you for all that you do.

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