Face Wash | Teen Ink

Face Wash

August 10, 2015
By cwango SILVER, Darien, Connecticut
cwango SILVER, Darien, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it.” J.D. Salinger

one of the purest rituals we will ever go through is the act of
washing our faces.
when sun soothes our glassy panes
and blooms, drop by drop of sun exploding into a delicious yellow mango light
tiles upon tiles upon tiles glowing lustrously.
the clean squeak of the faucet, its protest at being manhandled a weak
torrent of liquid
splishing, splashing
and when we bring a palmful of that cold elixir to the velvet of our sleepy faces
that morning cold is the true wake up that caffeine can never bring.
looking at our faces in the reflection
faces shining, drips rolling down our necks, down our shirts
lips eyebrows eyelashes cheeks
we gleam.
we're beautiful.
we gleam like we must have
in the wee hours of our lives.

The author's comments:

Washing one's face is a ritualistic, calming experience that often feels like rebirth to me. Just standing in the bathroom in the soft lights of the morning makes me look forward to waking up and all the pleasures it brings, especially poetry.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 17 2015 at 11:20 pm
PinkSkies BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Its not possible to fight beyond you're strength, even if you strive."


Great job on vocabulary word usage. Keep up the good work!