"Hunger" | Teen Ink


September 21, 2015
By kendall_awesome SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
kendall_awesome SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My stomach snarls
as Mom and I snake
through the long line of cars
to the cashier.
After Mom pays, we inch
forward through the narrow
lane, until we arrive
at the final window.
Mouthwatering aromas
of salt and oil float
out the window
as it opens, revealing the satisfied
chewing of happy customers
lounged inside.
The grouchy teenager
covered in cherry red acne
hands Mom the almond brown bag
and an ice cold Diet Dr. Pepper,
as my stomach
shrivels up from hunger.
We drift forward,
the smell of food intoxicating,
Mom chugging her bubbly
beverage, and I
unboxing God’s
wonderful creation:

The Big Mac.

My taste buds explode
as I devour
the monstrous burger
stuffed with creamy cheese
and juicy pickles.
Soon every shred
of lettuce disappears.
I wipe the last drop
of grease
from my fingers,

and my stomach
is finally content.

Food always brings out
the happiness in me.

The author's comments:

I found a poem hiding in my trip to McDonalds! I hope that this will inspire others to write about their favorite food, or experiences with food.

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