Dead or Alive | Teen Ink

Dead or Alive

September 25, 2015
By unworthiesthand SILVER, Eugene, Oregon
unworthiesthand SILVER, Eugene, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hope will never be silent.



Crimes of passion;

we stole a kiss in the setting sun and you stole my heart.




Crimes of confusion;

is everything supposed to be this bad?




You've left and everything stings.




When I gave my all to you,
I told the little girl in me that surely this is what it was all for
that we'd all be okay
that our value was in the ammount of time you invested in me,
in the smiles that took my breath.




They said there's no real crime here
to go back home, get some rest.

But I plead with them that the pain inside of me is tearing at me
that wolves howl at the moon and the sound echos from my mouth at night

and that you have stolen each shred of dignity within me.


I've been robbed
someone stole you
and you are gone.

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