The Shattered Mirror I am | Teen Ink

The Shattered Mirror I am

November 9, 2015
By HunterD.C. BRONZE, Cullman, Alabama
HunterD.C. BRONZE, Cullman, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I see you, I look at myself and see a broken mirror, shattered and not capable of showing you just how truly beautiful you are to me, and as you approach me, you pick up my broken pieces, you do your best to put me back together again, to make me whole like I once was, and as you place my peaces, you start to bleed, not from being cut mind you, but rather because of how broken I truly am, because of how I was treated, and how I was became this way, you lovingly feel sorry for me, and when you are finished picking up my peaces, I will look at you and try my hardest to show you that you are more beautiful than I could ever be, but even if my peaces are back, I am still a broken mirror, when I look at you I see nothing but love and beauty, but like the mirror, I can not show you just how truly beautiful you are, because even if you put me back together, you can't fix what is left behind by others, these scars and these cracks, they keep me from expressing myself, they keep me from telling you “I love you”, but unlike the mirror, a scar can fade, but not with the passing of time, but rather with the passionate love you have shown me, if only I, the shattered mirror, could show you just how beautiful you truly are…

The author's comments:

In honor of Jessie & faith, may we meet someday

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