To Get to The Throne | Teen Ink

To Get to The Throne

November 13, 2015
By Cjmac BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Cjmac BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To get to The Throne one must first pick a character,
Which will will be your favorite?
Melting, who can blow anything up just by thinking
Rebel, who can spawn allies in just the nick of time
or Horror, who can blast a radiation beam that can kill anything

To get to The Throne one must chose wisely,
one bad decision will lead to another.
One wrong crown choice,
like the Crown of Destiny,
will put the Inter-dimensional Police Department on your tail

To get to The Throne one must mutate.
What will you chose? so many good options.
There’s Rhino Skin, or Rabbit Paw,
both worth taking, but one better.
Which will help you the most?

To get to The Throne one must go through Hell.
Bandits, scorpions and maggots, all for you to fight.
Next time there will be mutant rats.
Snipers, Crows and giant Robots are yet to come
Are you ready?

To get to The Throne one must make it through the Palace.
Kill or be killed, destroy or be destroyed.
It will not be an easy fight, you will probably die,
but it is all in the name of the Throne.
Even if you beat it, there is more to come.

To get to The Second Throne one must kill the first.
The second, more aggressive, you are more likely to die.
The I.D.P.D. are already there, waiting for you,
wanting that precious Crown of Destiny back.
I’m sorry, I can’t let you do that.

It arrives, floating through a space time continuum.
You fight and fight, spraying bullets as much as you can
Hit once, twice, three times.
Your Strong Spirit, gone, one hit away from death
Your last shot, fired, went straight through Throne 2.

It’s all over now, or is it?
You think you have won?
You really think you beat both of The Thrones?
It’s not over, it never will be.
Infinitely more reincarnations of it, still to come.

You take a second to gather your thoughts,
you remember your friends.
Just days ago, you were here with them,
But they’re dead now, nothing you can do.
You didn’t make it in time to save them, or yourself.

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