You are my Bad | Teen Ink

You are my Bad

December 5, 2015
By Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming."

You are my drug,
I cry without you,
I can not breathe without taking it out on you,
You are my alcohol,
I get hungover by you,
I will wake up,
Any given at the night to write you,
You are my smoking,
You are the only way I feel content with myself,
On a given day,
I can not keep from crying,
Everyone always said drugs were bad,
What if mine are inside of me,
Pulling me down,
Behind the path of not writing,
Has led me to constant crying,
I would die without you,
Not with you,
That is the difference between anything above,
Just like it has been for the past 13 years I survived without you,
Dying inside,
Thats why,
3:11 am,
I could not stop hyperventilating,
You are my safe,
My way from disgrace,
You are my run away,
Thank you writing,
For being my drug,
Why do I die inside,
I guess I feel the loss that happens with abuse in your drug,
You don’t just appear different,
Or die faster,
You lose your soul,
My brain literally wrinkles everyday,
Hate to go to school crying,
I get so angry,
I just want people to understand,
What it is like to have a mental drug,
Pulling you down,
Although you are my darkness,
Seal for enlightenment,
I would not be here without you,
I would like to thank my anxiety also,
I would not have ever known how to write poetry without you,
I would call you my pain killers,
Works on some,
Others not so much,
I knew I had to give you a title,
You have the ability to kill me if you want,
In fact,
You are,
On the inside,
I listen to all the songs,
Mental drama,
As my life flies away,
On the mental pipe,
That pipe for me,
Is the pipe to a magical land,
My imagination,
Thank you writing for letting me be,
And dealing with me,
You are the only one who can.
You are my depression,
I can not get out of bed if I am writing,
For once in my life,
I have found my hight point,
My berm crest on the coast,
Wherever I am with you,
My life changes,
In a way I have never felt,
Until I was cursed away,
You have taken me up and out,
To seek a new world,
I need you,
The gutter nerves,
All the ink,
Steady nights,
Ability to smile,
Ability to see a whole new world,
For most this is drugs,
For me also,
But only in the personifying world,
Writing I truly thank you,
Without you,
I wonder if it would be personified,
Thank you for being my drug.

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