Personalities | Teen Ink


January 5, 2016
By 6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Personalities are what make a person who they are. It’s the inner trait that all of society can interact with but cannot necessarily see. It’s what makes everyone different yet unique-- like a snowflake from heaven falling lightly from the sky.  Each one is a byproduct of their own life's story wrapped together into a gift-- it fabricates who they are as a person. They’re the souls that live within--the heartbeat.
They are the beautiful depictions of personal evolvement in the world. It’s the everlasting identity that you will leave--the one thing that people will remember you by forever. It’s how you can come into the world and leave it better than it ever was before--personalities are powerful beyond measure. 

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