I Hate And Love This Time Of Year | Teen Ink

I Hate And Love This Time Of Year

January 7, 2016
By Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses.

I absolutely hate. . . this time of year.
But I absolutely love it at the same time.
For me this time of year symbolizes a new beginning for everything.
Winter kills everything, the leaves fall and the trees are bare.
Plants and flowers alike die and go into hiding. 
Some animals go into caves to sleep, some leave certain places for a warmer home.
But then once spring rolls rolls around everything is reborn.
Animals come out, plants grow back and leaves are back on trees green as ever.
But me
I get sad.
I lose motivation and everyone close to me gets pushed away.
I don't know what to do with myself and I am no longer pleased by the thought of life.
I contemplate everything and wonder what it truly means to live.
The walls close in on me and my bed begs me to stay, it doesn't want me to leave.
It gets harder and harder to wake up and go about my day.
And that is why I hate this time of year.
It's also why I love it.
Everything dies and is reborn again.
But while everything is being reborn,
I am losing myself.
I am spiraling down only to find out there is nothing at the end.
And it makes me sad.

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