For Him | Teen Ink

For Him

January 15, 2016
By Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every sixty seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. - Andy Biersack

I was dreading this moment
I knew what will happen to me
Before it was my time to speak

I watch the others
I listen to what they say
They all said what they wanted to hear

I see the hatred in their eyes
How their lips twist in anguish
Yes I saw it in that moment
Right after my words barely left my lips

Like an army to my single soldier
Their words attacked me
I was severely out numbered
I saw their shadows swarming around me

All I could do was wipe the tears
That was submerging in my eyes
I should’ve stayed strong
Stay firm, steady in what I believed in

I was speaking for Him
For the One that saved me

But they won’t give in
They want me to be sunken to their level
To have the same fate they will have

Tell me when this is over
Tell me when I won’t feel this distress anymore

As I fade back to where I am now
Writing on this page
Remembering what happened today
I think about what I could’ve done
What I could’ve said

To tell them about the voice of God

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