Ode to My Moment | Teen Ink

Ode to My Moment

January 26, 2016
By KiNgZ_01 SILVER, Sacramento, California
KiNgZ_01 SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Knowledge ain't shit unless its applied" (Bradley Martyn)

The adrenaline is finally and coursing
Through my veins in my body as
I prepare myself for the lift, I see now a monstrous weight
as my enemy, all I can do for 10 seconds is look at it.

I lay on the bench
my moist hands grasp  the chalked bar
I take a deep breath
and I took another, nervously
now its just me and this weight,
that’s wants to crush me
with my shoulder blades in and chest
out, I prepare to lift

The weight is off the bar
As I bring it to my chest, I know the
weight has done its job
Now its mine turn
As im pushing, my chest is squeezing tightly
My legs are nailed to the floor by the
I continue pushing the weight up-but
It stops.
But I continue to push everything
now I can’t stop
The weight begins to move again-but this time
and faster,
and faster.
my partner helps me guide the weight
to the bar
the weight is on the bar
I get out from the bench
My chest is tight
but I did it, I beat the weight
and I walk victorious!

The author's comments:

This just came to me the other day when I was the gym and I decided to write about it

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