You and I | Teen Ink

You and I

January 31, 2016
By neoncleff BRONZE, Hemet, California
neoncleff BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You’re weird,
I like you

Today when we were out running errands, I felt happy just being with you.
Not doing anything special
Hanging out with our friends.

Man it feels good to feel this way
Just the way that we do
And it’s amazing.

No words or pictures.
Hints or gestures
The way you smile is something that just makes me crazy
Crazy happy.

Even though
You can be extremely weird sometimes.
I like that a lot.
I like you and just you.

I like you not just for how you look,
But just who you are.
Even if you do look pretty great.
Most of all I like liking you

It’s kinda funny,
A person who once was a stranger,
Can suddenly become more than that
An acquaintance
Then a friend
And then,
Something more

Even when I’m having a bad day.
Just hanging out with you and our friends
Brightens my day and makes seem not as bad.

I think I’m in love...

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