Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By 7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a family of six, two brothers, and one sister.
one brother who is 28, and who I look up to, literally
another brother who is 27, and athletic
a sister who is 24, and loves animals
me being the youngest, and teased.

I am from a house filled with love.
the gray house on the hill,
a yard surrounded by pines trees planted ourselves, and woods in the back corner
where the grass green and animals outside.

I am from involved with activities.
going to basketball tournaments on weekends,
having dance competitions in spring, and summer
running from one sport to the next.

I am from a cabin that overlooks the lake.
packed car rides
snowmobiling no matter what temperature
losing in snow fights.

I am from a family of six, two brothers, and one sister.
one brother’s wedding in June 2016
other brother’s wedding in October 2017
a sister who bought her first house
me now older but still the youngest and teased.

The author's comments:

This is a poem about where i'm from 

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