Transfixed | Teen Ink


February 29, 2016
By Allison_Rise GOLD, Lexington, Ohio
Allison_Rise GOLD, Lexington, Ohio
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her and me." -Edgar Allan Poe

Hovering over me, slender and mysterious, this fallen angel glared.
His deep eyes like ravaging caves.
Like vacancy; Like comforting loneliness.
Fluorescent body and mind lit my darkest fear into flame.
It was mentioned that he wished to play with me in a most devious way.
I became transfixed to his damned soul, attached like a parasite.
His ravenous eyes still burn me; with them I’ve been branded.
Angelic figures granted me salvation.
I declined; that single devilish creature kept me locked in tight.
My passion for his destruction could not be abandoned.
I saw him cry ember tears that sparked the grass to life.
A valley caught in alluring colours.
Like the sunset; like my love for him.
An angel with a rifle I declared my lovely demon.
Causing chaos was his expertise and he very well flaunted it.
No shame cursed his mind.
I adored his lack of control when he slid through the streets,
Burning everything in sight.

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