The Test | Teen Ink

The Test

March 7, 2016
By Jtawesome BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
Jtawesome BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why must I spend these hours
Staying up minute after minute
Just so this information can take root
The practice of filling out A, B, C, and D
I no longer having the right to be carefree
To measure my intelligence

Why must I spend these hours
Covering material from the past
Trying to remember what I read last
I try to do strenuous math
These 60 minutes really are making me feel its wrath
Guess that of the answers you don't know
With the pressure of trying not to go slow
To measure my intelligence

Why must I spend these hours
Writing essay after essay
All for practice weekday after weekday
I determine your future
The inner thoughts that suture
Are needed as I write
For tonight is the last night
To measure my intelligence
Why must I spend these hours
On the car rides hours away
Which causes my thoughts to fade to gray
The time I spend once I'm there
No breaks, all suffering, no time to spare
To measure my intelligence

Why must I spend these hours
Over a test that has the power
To make me worrying over my future
As I wait weeks to see the need for a sequel
Seems like I still won't get any rest
Off to the devil's den to take another test
To measure my intelligence

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