Forgotten | Teen Ink


March 15, 2016
By bboicee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
bboicee GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop."-Luke Garroway, TMI

She cried herself to sleep that night
tears after tears kept her warm
as she wept on her eighteenth birthday
No call, no text, no card, no cake
She had everything but yet nothing
Her everything was the one and only person
that made her feel she mattered while the rest
made her feel she wasn’t even made of matter
No call, no text, no card, no cake
She cried herself to sleep that night
that night she was supposed to free
Free to be anything she wanted, she was an adult now
But yet there was still an absence in her heart
No call, no text, no card, no cake
She was fine she dreaded the day anyways
She’ll be fine once she finally rested
She was an extraordinary girl in an ordinary world
The following afternoon she just kept saying,
“One more pill now, I’ll be fine. One more pill now.”
The one more pill became a handful and soon
soon she felt no pain, the pain of unimportance ceased
She was found by her older sister and
the low pulse within her fragile veins paralyzed her
Dried tears stained her face, her young and innocent face
and the black words written on the single piece of paper
those black words that forever left gory gashes
on her older sister’s heavy heart
Ambulances and fire trucks and police cars surrounded the home
This became something no longer fathomable
No one understood how a girl who turned into a woman
just the day before, could want to end her life
Her family engulfed her with questions but
silence was all that she was able to say, just silence
No call, no text, no card, no cake
After a couple days since the incident she finally spoke,
“I didn’t receive a call from Poppy,
he must’ve forgotten about me.
I didn’t receive a text from Aunt Kristi,
she must’ve forgotten about me. 
I didn’t receive a card from my mom,
she must;ve forgotten about me.
I didn’t even receive a birthday cake,
You must’ve forgotten that that makes
a birthday a birthday, not the gifts.
I didn’t  feel important and I felt forgotten.”
She ended it there and she cried herself to sleep that night
that night she was free, she was free of
the pain of unimportance at last

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