And I Sit | Teen Ink

And I Sit

March 24, 2016
By Peyton_Eisler SILVER, Wilmington, Vermont
Peyton_Eisler SILVER, Wilmington, Vermont
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was always the guilt of that first step.
The one that you couldn’t see the other side of,
The same one that called to you
When your ears were blind.
And that house,
You know the one with the blue fence and white shutters,
Still waits for your footsteps at night.
And the woman who once held you close,
She watches me as I sit in the old rocking chair,
And I sit,
And I sit,
    And I sat.
Waiting for you to return
And when you finally do
You’ll find my shadow there
Instead of my chair.
And in that last moment,
That was when you decided
You were worth living.

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