The Newest Demon | Teen Ink

The Newest Demon

March 31, 2016
By AllisynJonsie BRONZE, Dittmer, Missouri
AllisynJonsie BRONZE, Dittmer, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's one of those days when the whole world's caught in a haze


We're all caught in our minds as one hits rewind


She goes back in time


As another spins a dime...


A guessing game gone wrong


Just another mess up


But she has no idea what has gone on


She's only a part of the plan


Going backwards


She has no clue


It gets cold


She starts coughing


She cries a bit


And throws herself in front of the bullet


He's grateful


She lies cold on the ground


Bleeding out her chest


He broke her heart


She's not an angel now


A demon of sorrow


A sinner with despair


Gray wings, a pair of beautiful black horns and a long gorgeous tail


She rises up from the ashes


They all know.


And all of them fear.


She finds him


Puts him out of his misery


With his last breath...


He cries out


In agony and fear


He bleeds out like she did


Feeling her pain


The bullet piercing his heart


She summons forth a trident


Telling him he deserved the first bullet


Picking him up and throwing him over her shoulder


Trident in hand


Flies off to the Dark Lord


He is impressed, unlike her


She is fuming with anger


She wanted him dead more than anything


The hitman wanted him.


Not her.

The author's comments:

A ton of metaphors in here... Just a little something I wrote, nothing special other than to me :)

(I'm debating making this a book...)

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