Unknown | Teen Ink


April 20, 2016
By sam0616 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
sam0616 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can own the earth, and still all you own is earth, until you learn to paint with all the colors of the wind."

Where will you go?
Scared of what the future might hold,
Mad at my parents for yelling,
Caught trying to escape, and asked,
Where will you go?
In the corner,
trapped with no way out,
I turn to run, yet stopped by a single question,
Where will you go?
Getting a glass of water, late at night,
I heard tiny footsteps, door opens,
I ask my brother what was once asked me,
Where will you go?
Future career questionnaires,
Teachers drilling the question into my head,
Over, and over again,
Where will you go?
College visits,
counselors press the question,
parents answer overrule mine, and yet I wonder,
Where will I go?

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