The Cat | Teen Ink

The Cat

May 27, 2016
By courtneycole SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
courtneycole SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She stares with the worst of intentions;
eyeing the victim up and down.
Her eyes are a rollercoaster to say the least.

No, she’s never quiet.
“Give me food”. “Don’t talk to me”. “Get out of my way”.
These are the things she speaks on a regular bases.

I’m not sure she knows what that is.
She likes to play games, but not the fun kind.
She will sneak up on you in the same way a fearless bear walks through the woods.
Quiet and steady.
And you are the paranoid deer who sees a bear in the woods.
Jumpy and bug eyed.

That’s one way to describe her.
After all,
she stares with the worst of intentions. 

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