Be Glad of Life | Teen Ink

Be Glad of Life

May 30, 2016
By KimNguyen BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
KimNguyen BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A day
         without sunlight,
                                   is a day without life.

                      A day without twilight,
                                                    is a day with no ending.
A day without the  sun
                                                        is a day with no beginning.

A day without the
                     is a day as arid as the sands of the Sahara.

A day without mistakes,
is a day with no lessons

A day without your family, is a day with loneliness.

A day without your mum's shout, is a day with no improvements.

A day with humans, is a day filled with complaints.

                                      Life is a song,
                                           sing it.
                               Life is an opportunity,
                                     benefit from it.

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