We Will Be | Teen Ink

We Will Be

June 9, 2016
By poppiburniston SILVER, Kerrville, Texas
poppiburniston SILVER, Kerrville, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day our children will be free

One day we will run across fields of honey gold
And our fingertips will reach the fingertips of other children
And we will hold tight
Together we can knit our fingers together
To make a map of the world
We can knit our fingers together
To seal all the cracks in the world
And when the sky rumbles,
When the storm comes,
When we can see the lightning snapping out of the sky,
We need not fear to blink our eyes
Because when they open again,
We will not be broken by tempest or strife
We stand too tall,
Our hands locked too tightly,
Our hearts too steadfast to that one call
We are irrevocable
We are rooted to the spot where we were born to a world without doors
Without fists
Without reasons to cry and reasons to hate
Without people to tell us that we cannot
Because we can
And we will

When we are free,
We will go to the places no one has dared before
We will go, with hands clasped together, to the dark places
And when the shadows are too great
When the cold is in our bones 
We will shudder
And we will open our hands
And our light will know the world
It will spread to the darkest of corners,
The most frigid of stares
And everyone will wonder
How it took them so long to see it
We will go to those who have denied us and we will tell them
Give me liberty
And give me joviality
Or I will give it to myself

Come tomorrow we will be free
Come tomorrow we will know that when the sun sets,
We will dream with the hope that our dreams will be the future
And our future will be unstoppable
And we will be unconquerable

The author's comments:

We live in a world ridden with contrasts: children on one side of the ocean live with freedom and certainty while other children are crippled by oppression and stripped of their liberties. As a generation, we must learn to bridge this gap, to open our hearts to our brothers and sisters from other countries and to fight for their rights. Only then will we truly be free. 

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