The Wolf | Teen Ink

The Wolf

June 19, 2016
By mrassaad SILVER, Great Falls, Virginia
mrassaad SILVER, Great Falls, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i’ve fallen in love with the wolf at the door

my heart beats to the click of his claws on the floor
watching his slick smile through the gaps in the walls
into my thoughts his laugh begins to crawl

his shadow falls over my figure shaking in fear
his back arched, face curled in a sneer
and frozen i sit without a word
not a breath taken or sound to be heard

i stare outside as he lurks in the dark
waiting for me to emerge with my hand over my heart
though i can’t feel it beating wildly tonight
i can tell it’s clutched in his paws held rather tight

imaginary rain pours down from the heavens above
soaking his fur and drowning my love
breathing is hard, and shaky gasps i take
i’m sinking below and under the waves

i imagine callous claws caressing my skin
a low voice growling, whiskers brushing my chin
his ghost encircles me in a breath of hot air
a wet wolf nose pushes into my hair

i walk to my door and push it open with hesitation
recalling our dance of toxic temptation
outside he stands, fur glistening in the light of the moon
a smile spreads across his snout at this familiar tune

the feeling of fear has never felt so good.

The author's comments:

You never feel more alive than when you feel fear. 

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