Plot Twist | Teen Ink

Plot Twist

October 24, 2016
By stephanie_monroy BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
stephanie_monroy BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I arrange myself in bed

Overthinking events that have happened

Events I can’t control,

Not understanding why it happened

But you're trying to deal with everything

Deal with the pain

Not having anyone to talk to,

Questions I have circling in my mind,

Then  all of a sudden i can't get enough

So I let it all out

Tears i’ve been holding inn drift down my cheeks

Then I pause for a quick second.

Realizing im crying for various reasons, not just one

When i've let it all out

I feel a weight off my shoulders.

It's something i haven't felt in a while

As time passes by, i had noticed something

It all felt different

I wasn't weeping in bed after the end of the day

It was all coming to an end

It was a change, I had never felt so free

So many years, so many struggles

But they have all gone away,

And I didn't believe that at first.

Showing me that awful situations do

Have a remarkable ending.

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