Rush of Tranquility | Teen Ink

Rush of Tranquility

October 26, 2016
By kjean GOLD, Pewuakee, Wisconsin
kjean GOLD, Pewuakee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cruising in a dented Cadillac, I search for the light of dawn and colors of the morning sky.
I watch as the darkness fades in the rear view mirror.
The sky glows with colors like an erupted volcano.
Orange; like lava.
Flowing across the morning sky.
Red; like shining rubies.
Glistening under the hue of orange.
Yellow; like molten gold.
Brightens as the sun nears.
Lava orange, ruby red, and golden yellow;
coalesce, to display the true beauty of nature.
I wait patiently with eyes drooping, for this moment;
the birth of a new day, new chances, and new beginnings.
I open my window to breathe in the Sunday air,
watching as the colors bleed through the morning sky.
I fall in love with the earth as if I just opened my eyes to it.
The serenity interrupts with the shutter of my camera and rustle of the leaves.
Worries and responsibilities flutter from my mind with the monarchs migrating south.
At 6:05 am, the Earth heals its wounds to give humankind another priceless day.

The author's comments:

Work with two other people 

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